Gout is caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the body. Often the attack manifests itself at night, unexpectedly. The symptoms of gout are: severe pain in the area of inflamed joints (usually the big toes), swelling and redness in the joints themselves, as well as general disorders - fever, weakness, abdominal pain.
Gout, diet, treatment are all interrelated. Treatment of gout is a long process, but the priority is to stop the attack itself and eliminate the pain syndrome. In the future, proper nutrition is very important, because the reduction of consumption of products containing uric acid salts (urates) slows down the development of the disease. Nutrition for gout is a matter of concern because normalization of nutrition promotes rapid recovery and increases the time interval between relapses of the disease. Products for gout can be consumed only in a certain way, so patients need to know many rules related to the menu and nutrition.
Menu and diet
First of all, we will consider the main points of nutrition and learn what diet the patient should have for gout. Doctors advise patients to eliminate animal proteins from their diet, but they are not only dangerous for people with gout - animal fats and easily digestible carbohydrates are also dangerous.

Meals for gout should be frequent, but meals should be eaten in small portions. Thus, the patient should eat five or six meals a day and fast at least once a week.
You can eat fresh vegetables and fruits on fasting days. In addition, they can be both raw and boiled (but without salt). It is important to remember that during the day you should eat only one type of vegetable or fruit, for example, baked potatoes or raw apples.
In addition, there is a very popular option for fasting - rice and apples. As the name implies, today the patient should eat rice and apples, but the rice porridge itself must be properly prepared. So, to cook rice porridge for the day of fasting, you need to cook 75 g of rice in 750 ml of milk - this is part of the meal for a day. Porridge should be eaten three times a day. Apples can be eaten up to 250 g, and it is better to boil them or make sugar-free compote from them.
Of course, despite the many exceptions described below, the menu for gout should not be monotonous, and this is very important, because the body must receive all the necessary substances. Therefore, you should pay attention to a balanced diet.
Gout recipes
Here are some gout recipes that are both healthy and delicious.
Vegetarian borsch. To prepare borsch, you need the following products: 160 g of beets, 160 g of potatoes, 60 g of carrots, 140 g of white cabbage, 40 g of onions, 100 g of fresh tomatoes, 25 g of parsley, 40 g. xama.
Separately, boil the beets until half cooked and grate them in a coarse grater. Then put all the vegetables (including beets) in a container, add water and cook until everything is ready. We serve borscht, sprinkle with sour cream and put chopped parsley.
Another recipe allowed by the gout diet is the potato soup recipe. Thus, potato soup is made from the following products: water, potatoes, ½ eggs, butter, flour, sour cream (25 g), greens.

The cooking process is very simple - peel and boil the potatoes, drain the water into a separate bowl and rub through a sieve. Then, dry the flour in the oven and dilute it in 40 g of potato broth and then prepare the sauce for boiling. Mix potato broth, mashed potatoes and prepared sauce, add eggs and butter. Boil everything again and serve, season with sour cream and put the greens.
Of course, the diet for gout is not monotonous, so patients can eat not only liquid dishes, but also a variety of cereals and side dishes. Here are some examples of second courses that can be included in patients' diets.
Vegetable casserole. To eat you need 6 potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 1 cup green peas, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 100 g sour cream and a pinch of salt.
Finely chop the onion and fry in oil, then add the chopped carrots to the pan and bring to a boil. When the carrots are soft, you need to add boiled green peas, boiled and chopped potatoes, sour cream and salt and boil all the ingredients for about 15 minutes. Serve the dish and pour it with oil.
Nutrition for gout allows patients to eat porridge. For example, buckwheat. Thus, buckwheat porridge can be cooked as follows: 50 g of buckwheat is poured into 100 g of water, add a pinch of salt, mix and cover with a lid, put on medium heat. After removing all the water from the porridge, continue to cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Add 4 g of butter to the prepared porridge.
Mineral water, which is especially therapeutic in the treatment of gout, has a very good effect. Mineral water for gout can be used both daily and as a drink, as well as on the day of fasting - during the day you need to drink only therapeutic mineral water.
There are many other recipes for gout and you can easily find them on the Internet or in the literature. However, this shows that the menu is very diverse and you can choose the right dish for any person. However, there are still foods that are forbidden for gout, and it should always be remembered.
What to eat with gout
So, we will first look at what you can eat with gout, and then list the foods you can't eat for gout.

Almost without fear, gout patients can eat any vegetable in their diet. The only exceptions are spicy ones (eg, radishes and horseradish), as well as sorrel, celery, spinach and cauliflower.
Also, the diet for gout allows you to eat any fruit, including exotic ones (grapefruit, orange, tangerine). You can eat low-fat milk and dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir). Chicken and especially quail eggs are very useful.
From oils, you can get a little butter and all kinds of vegetable oils. Whole grains, natural bee honey and nuts are highly recommended.
To summarize, you can do the following:
- vegetables (except spicy);
- fruits, berries;
- low-fat dairy products;
- drink plenty of fluids;
- eggs and boiled chicken.
What not to eat with gout
Now that you know what foods you can eat with gout, think about what you can't eat with gout now. Thus, gout patients are strictly forbidden to use any smoked meat. Very little meat and fish are allowed, but salt should be eliminated from the diet as much as possible.
Eating for gout also completely excludes the following foods:
- beans,
- pea,
- mushrooms,
- beans,
- Salo,
- spices (except bay leaf and vinegar).
It is also forbidden to drink tea and coffee, alcohol, carbonated water. Meat soups and even broths, as well as chocolate and cocoa are prohibited.
Thus, by following all dietary recommendations, you can improve the patient's condition and stop the development of gout.