In autumn, there is a tendency to aggravate gastrointestinal diseases. Diet for gastritis depends on the type of inflammatory process. The success of therapy is ensured by a balanced diet, regimen and medications prescribed by a doctor.

Medical nutrition guidelines for gastritis
In case of exacerbation of the disease, the patient needs hospital treatment, dietary treatment. The tactics of product selection for food largely depend on the acidity of gastric juice. Nutritional treatment for high acid gastritis reduces the secretion of digestive juices, has a mild effect on the stomach. A well-established diet for gastritis plays a crucial role in the treatment of the disease.
It is important to organize a rational diet for patients with joint pathology:
- obese;
- hypovitaminosis;
- allergy;
- anemia.
A balanced diet increases immunity and restores health. Gastritis has a special place among the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and requires urgent medical attention.
A economical diet for low-acid gastritis stimulates the production of gastric juice. The patient should chew food thoroughly to avoid damaging the mucous membranes of the patient's body.
The diet menu includes the following foods:
- white chicken;
- lean fish;
- vegetable puree;
- kefir% 1;
- 5% cottage cheese;
- % 2, 5 milk.
Fruit juices, hip juice, still mineral water are allowed during gastritis.
The patient should eat well for several months after the last exacerbation. When preparing a list of foods to eat, the patient chooses only those that will reduce the acidity:
- chicken eggs;
- cereals;
- potatoes;
- pumpkin.
Diet puree consists of soup, boiled meat and fish, steamed cutlets, liquid milk porridge. The main meals are foods that meet the patient's age-related nutritional needs.
A sick organ needs to be treated thoroughly, following a diet and regimen. If the patient eats regularly and gives up bad habits, the disease quickly goes into remission. The patient is forbidden to drink alcohol, which has an irritating effect on the digestive glands.
What is allowed to the patient
For patients with gastritis with normal acidity, the diet includes foods that protect the patient's body. The patient is not recommended to eat hot or cold food, breakfast cereals, yeast pastries.
The doctor will explain the diet after a thorough examination of the patient in case of exacerbation of the disease. The patient should know that strong coffee and alcohol should not be consumed.
Eat small meals.
The table of allowed and forbidden foods helps to create a complete menu.
High acid gastritis | Low acidity gastritis |
White chicken. Lean fish. Lean beef. Chicken eggs. Alma, pear. 5% cottage cheese, low-fat, milk, baked milk, yogurt, yogurt. | Meat broth. Vegetable juice. Grated raw vegetables. Hard-boiled eggs. Crackers. Milk, kefir% 1, cheese. Rice casserole. Grated carrots. Dried fruits to make compote. |
High acidity menu
High concentrations of gastric juice damage the mucous membranes. Symptoms of gastritis do not appear immediately. A person complains of heartburn, burning, pain in the epigastric region.
Hyperacid gastritis develops - symptoms indicate increased acidity, sometimes suggesting the formation of gastric ulcer. Proper nutrition for gastritis is aimed at eliminating unnecessary food from the diet.
Daily treatment of liquid porridge is necessary for the treatment of hyperacid gastritis of the stomach - the diet includes rice, barley, buckwheat, oatmeal. The patient with gastritis for a long time keeps a diet - the weekly menu includes meat or fish, vegetable puree, delicious souffle.
A sample menu for a few days consists of healthy and nutritious meals.
Given the duration of the exacerbation, the patient chooses the optimal diet, avoids sweets, spices, smoked meats that irritate the intestines.
Therapeutic nutrition of pregnant women
Every woman who suffers from heartburn and stomach pain is interested in how to eat to avoid harm to the health of the child with gastritis of the expectant mother. The diet is 4-5 times a day, in portions. Bread should be eaten slightly dried, dairy products are useful.
Diet number 1, used for acute gastritis, severe, prescribed for 2-3 days. Eating lightly reduces inflammation in the stomach. In the absence of contraindications, the patient is recommended to increase the volume of intoxicated fluid to 1. 5 liters.
Edible salt is added in limited quantities. Much attention is paid to the chemical composition of products used to treat gastritis: the diet contains 100 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates, 120 g of animal and vegetable proteins. A full-fledged delicate diet allows for competent treatment - the diet is aimed at restoring the function of the stomach.
How to build a diet for focal atrophic gastritis
After the examination, the patient is often diagnosed with zero acidity of gastric juice. For gastritis, the diet is mild, a diet is prescribed - Tables 1 and 2. It is useful to drink mineral water.
The patient often wonders what diet to choose for gastritis - what can be eaten without harm to health. The patient is prescribed herbal infusions and teas. The general condition of the patient should always be taken into account when choosing a diet table for zero-acid gastritis.
Therapeutic diet for gastritis aims to eliminate irritating foods from the diet. Meals are served in small portions. A strict diet is prescribed to aggravate the disease until the patient's condition returns to normal. The duration can be several days.
Therapeutic Diet
Gastritis cannot be treated with drugs alone - a special diet is needed, and the Pevzner diet is a great help in solving this problem. Medical nutrition increases the effectiveness of therapy several times if it is found that someone has damaged the gastric mucosa - gastritis.
Dietary characteristics are determined by the stage of the disease. The diet restricts the use of salty, spicy, smoked, fatty, fried foods. Foods used to feed gastritis protect the digestive system as much as possible.
It is recommended to drink water and green tea on the first day. An expert will advise you what to eat in the coming days. Assign light vegetable soups mashed with semolina or oatmeal. They do not use butter and yeast dough for table number 1, only once a week baked pies are allowed on the menu. Meat or fish dishes are steamed. The menu can include cottage cheese souffle, beef dumplings, steamed meatballs. Features of gastritis should be taken into account - treatment and diet reduce the inflammatory process.
Menu for erosive chronic gastritis
The main task in the treatment of an acute condition is to facilitate the work of a sick organ, so the diet consists of easily digestible foods. Ready meals are served boiled, baked, pureed without a crust.
Every day's menu, which is a delicate diet, includes homemade gel with the property of wrapping. If the patient feels discomfort in the abdomen, eating flaxseed is useful. A drink made from plantain seeds relieves painful pains that last for several hours in the epigastric region.
Yogurt is a useful food for patients with remorseful gastritis. For those who have recently seen an exacerbation of gastritis, the product is allowed to be consumed in the background of the main treatment. For patients with gastritis with stomach upset, slimy porridge and vegetable puree are useful.
Before cooking, you should get acquainted with the list of foods that cause gastric secretion. The dish should not contain spices - mustard, cinnamon, coriander, horseradish, black pepper.
Treatment of erosive gastritis involves the use of chicken egg protein in a protein cocktail with a wrapping effect. The use of drugs in the background of a diet rapidly improves the patient's condition.
One week diet for normal acid gastritis
For people suffering from acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to include 110-120 g of protein in the diet. The composition of the diet for gastritis is expanded by the consumption of chicken eggs, which is a very nutritious product. There are carbohydrates on the menu, but their use is limited to flour products. Fruit juices diluted with water are useful.
The menu for gastritis for a week is different.
In case of a chronic form of the disease, the patient is recommended Table # 2. Products containing essential oils are excluded from the diet:
- garlic;
- radish;
- black radish;
- sorrel.
The patient needs a meal every 3-4 hours, which helps to normalize the pressure in the stomach and duodenum and regulates the emptying of the gallbladder.
Avoid cholesterol-rich foods during remission:
- goose or pork liver;
- fat bird;
- lamb;
- Moderately oily species of sturgeon.
The list of prohibited products is completed with flour products, wheat bran, dried fruits, spicy cheese varieties, legumes, mushrooms, red and black currants. The patient should refrain from fresh vegetables, whey, rye bread salads.
Diet to lose weight - the cause of acute gastritis
In pursuit of a beautiful figure, women follow new diets, regardless of their health. Symptoms and treatment of acute gastritis in adults have their own characteristics, as the disease can become chronic and lead to the development of gastric ulcer.
Acute gastritis patients lose a lot of weight.
The weight loss process is caused by the formation of toxic metabolic products in the body that increase the load on the stomach, liver and kidneys.
Protein is a common cause of acute gastritis. Changes in the composition of gastric juice occur if the patient abuses a diet that is severely limited in the content of animal and vegetable fats.
Rapid weight loss causes stomach and intestinal problems. Often a woman loves mono-diet, which leads to malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, the development of acute inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
The use of baking soda is a dangerous and useless way to lose weight, which causes gastritis and chronic burns of the mucous membranes, acid-base imbalance. Acute inflammation occurs after using a diet to lose weight in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, tuberculosis and oncological diseases.