The extra inches at the waist accumulate a little from day to day. And nutritionists also recommend that you take events gradually without forcing them and putting your health at unnecessary risk. But to be honest, there are "here and now" situations in every woman's life where you need to lose 10 kg in a month or a few weeks. This is quite realistic, but to achieve such a brilliant result, you need to take a comprehensive approach to the problem.
We are developing a weight loss strategy
If your goal is to lose weight as quickly as possible and maintain your ideal weight, you need to work hard for results. Do not rely on charlatans who promise to lose weight without physical activity and dietary restrictions. Fasting or miracle pills, of course, will allow you to lose 10 kg a month. But instead of losing weight, health problems will come, and the old weight can return very quickly, taking with you a few more pounds.

The process of rapid weight loss can be divided into the following stages:
- consultation with specialists;
- selection of diet and a number of physical exercises;
- to prepare the body to lose weight;
- the essence of weight loss;
- giving up the diet;
- protection of lost weight indicators.
A well-thought-out strategy is important, because it not only eliminates the wrinkles on the sides, but also your health. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Therefore, a reasonable approach to the choice of methods and means to lose these extra pounds is needed. They should be chosen specifically for you and should not contradict common sense. A clear plan on paper will remind you of what needs to be done, discipline you, and motivate you.
Preparing to lose weight
Before going on a diet and getting a gym membership, you need to determine the reason for the excess weight. Just by removing it, you can be guaranteed to lose 10 kg in a month and then maintain a slim figure. The main factors that contribute to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat include:
- malnutrition;
- lack of physical activity;
- hormonal disorders;
- heredity;
- impaired metabolism.
You can start keeping a food diary to determine how healthy your diet is. Even if you have a glass of water, write down the name and amount of what you eat, drink, or taste during the day. To calculate the number of calories consumed, it is advisable to indicate the caloric content of each meal.

Only a doctor can diagnose hormonal or metabolic disorders by performing a series of tests. In case of diseases of the endocrine system, it is necessary to undergo treatment, otherwise diet and exercise will not work. A general clinical examination of the body may reveal chronic diseases of the internal organs, in which case sudden weight loss or overactivity is contraindicated.
Ideally, you should choose a diet with a nutritionist, taking into account many factors, both external and internal:
- initial and desired weight indicators;
- body mass index;
- your age and gender;
- blood type;
- digestive and body structure features;
- social factors (lifestyle, having children, job characteristics).
It is better to form a set of physical exercises under the guidance of an experienced trainer or fitness instructor. The specialist will explain to you how to lose 10 kg per month with the help of exercises, determine the optimal load level depending on your shape and weight.
Preparing the body for weight loss consists of gradually reducing food intake, avoiding harmful foods and increasing physical activity. You need to take care of your skin. After losing weight, use products that maximize the elasticity of the skin to prevent sagging. Remember to use makeup against traction marks.
Iii. . . lose weight!
The ineffectiveness and harm of strict diets and long-term fasting have long been proven by both doctors and nutritionists. All internal organs, skin, hair and nails suffer from such radical methods to lose weight. Significant reduction or rejection of food intake puts the body in a stressful situation. It begins to accumulate fat and weight loss occurs as a result of dehydration. Such experiments can result in bulimia and weight gain after the diet.
There are many different diets (according to Dukana, "4 + 1", "5x10", buckwheat, eggs, Japanese, protein), among which you can choose the one that suits you in every way. The main thing is to follow the simple rules:
- Separate carbohydrates and fats.
- Eat before 18: 00 in the evening and eat fruit in the morning.
- Get enough sleep. Sleep produces hormones that reduce appetite and hunger.
- Don't eat "in reserve".
- Drink plenty of fluids (2 liters per day, including first courses).
- Take a multivitamin.
- Do not be nervous and be in harmony with yourself.
In this difficult month, a positive psychological attitude and proper motivation are very important. Remember that the first pounds can be lost unevenly, with irregularities, so it is important to continue a diet and exercise program. It is not enough to know how to lose 10 kg a month, it takes willpower and dedication.
Create your dream image
Only an integrated approach can work wonders for a figure. In addition to the internal effect on fat accumulation, an external effect is needed. It consists primarily of physical activity. You are free to choose the one that suits you in terms of intensity: aerobics, fitness, swimming, dancing, pilates, running. Remember that only regular exercise will help you build a leaner body.
Excessive diets do not burn fat, but remove muscle mass and fluid. This can only be corrected by increasing physical activity. Fitness or running promotes the breakdown of fats and replaces it with muscle tissue.
It is recommended to add a set of measures to lose weight with a professional massage that stimulates lymphatic drainage and microcirculation of blood. Various cosmetic procedures (bandages, scrubs and thalassotherapy) improve the condition of the skin and eliminate the appearance of cellulite.
After losing 5-10 kilograms, you can panic because the weight remains motionless. Do not despair and do not stop fighting with excess weight! You took the first good step, now don't take a step back. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. You should gradually get out of the diet by gradually adding previously forbidden foods. The number of calories consumed should not exceed 500. Don't skip workouts in cars and the gym. After all, there is no limit to perfection, but you should always strive for it, and this is what makes us happy.